In improving sanitation services, the Government of Benin plans to carry out an STBV to satisfy part of the population of Cotonou and the Porto-Novo region. This project aims to assist the project owner in the main stages of the construction of…
The project aims to develop and structure a sanitation plan for the city of Conakry in the areas of rainwater, wastewater and solid waste management and propose a phase of priority works, subject of a request for proposals to submit to the IDB…
The project aims to implement integrated, rational and sustainable management of solid waste in order to sustainably clean up the living environment of the populations of the city of Bouaké.
The overall objective of the project is to define the planning of structuring works to be carried out to combat flooding in the outskirts of Dakar.
The overall objective of the project is to improve urban sanitation services by: (i) Eliminating the severity and duration of flooding; (ii) Promoting innovative technologies; (iii) Improving the level of sanitation in the different districts of…
The overall objective of the project is to evaluate the performance of wastewater and rainwater sanitation works with a view to defining urgent actions to improve the service provided to users.